
Drink " black tea " conduce to fall blood sugar

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Drink ” of “ black tea to conduce to fall blood sugar
The person that recommend: Date of 100 sweet fruit: 2008-07-22

Newest report points out the researcher that Scotland honest carries an university, the element of function of a few similar insulin is contained inside black tea, 2 model diabetic person drinks black tea to conduce to control more level of its blood sugar.

Dr. Lina that is in charge of this research says, the corporeal tea that there are two sorts to be like insulin in black tea discovering in research fizzles out to be mixed character tea is red qualitative, these two kinds of composition in black tea can replace insulin to rise to fall the effect of candy.

Breed of our country black tea is various, basically have Yunnan Pu'er tea, Guangxi tea of old blueness of needle of Hunan of 6 fort tea, Hunan and Hubei.

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